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Selectmen's Minutes April 15, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
April 15, 2003  

PRESENT: Chairman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Selectman Spook Arey, And Office Assistant Lisa Stevens.

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Highway Department     

PRESENT: Road Agent, Jeff Jordan  & Vollmer Engineer, Peter Julia

Mr. Julia was asked for his recommendations as to which direction the Board should take to begin the Hutchinson Road Project.  Motion by Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman Arey, for Vollmer Associates to produce a “Conceptual Roll Plan” not to exceed twelve hundred dollars ($1,200.00) to be used at the public informational hearing to be held in early May.  All were in favor.    The plan will be ready no later than April 29, 2003, when the board will review it and make corrections if necessary before scheduling the public hearing.

As to the dirt roads, they are now being graded.  If the weather holds, the weight limit may be able to be lifted next week.  

SUBJECT: Impact Fee Waiver

PRESENT: Mr. Earl Weir, Mr. Jason Weir

Earl & Jason came before the board requesting an Impact Fee Waiver for Map 7 Lot 4.  The home being built will be Jason’s primary residence when complete.  The Weir’s supplied documentation as to Jason’s residency over the past ten (10) years.  Having met the criteria, the board unanimously granted their request.  Lisa will process the paperwork for the refund.  A discussion followed regarding Impact Fees and the Growth Ordinance.   


The board approved and signed the minutes of April 8, 2003 as written.

Selectman DeBold drafted a bid document for grounds maintenance that the board reviewed and accepted.  Lisa will send out to the local landscaping firms.  The deadline for submittal is April 28, 2003.  

Lisa updated the board as to her findings regarding ownership of the unknown lot on Map 4 Lot 62 and the clarification of acreage on Marilyn Stevens’s lot..  Lisa will draft a letter to Ms. Stevens with this information.  At this time, ownership is still unknown.  

Lisa updated the board on the status of the software/hardware proposals.  At this time all presentations have been given and the software committee is meeting on Thursday April 17, 2003 to finalize their recommendation for the boards approval.  

Mason Road has been renumbered and the homeowners and all necessary agencies have been notified.  
Thank you to Heather for all her assistance with this task.

The board received its first Discretionary Preservation Easement.  Lisa will forward to Avitar. A public hearing must be held within sixty (60) days.  

Selectman Arey asked what the contract if any was regarding the cleaning of the town buildings.  Lisa will look into this and inform the board.

Charging a rental fee for the use of the grange hall was mentioned.  The board would like to discuss this further.  

Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 10:30pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Office Assistant
                                                                    Approved As Written     _____________________________                                  4/15/03
Chairman David Colbert


Richard DeBold

Harold Arey  

Page two of two April 15, 2003